Em Hanney

Mindful and Meaningful: Ocean photographer, Em Hanney


Discover her thoughts on vegan beauty and keeping our oceans beautiful. Follow @emhanney on Instagram.

I’m Emma and I’m an ocean based photographer. I love diving, surfing, hiking and anything outdoors! I’m English and made the big move to Australia 3 years ago after completing my degree in Environmental Science. I have worked across the world on various marine conservation projects, one of my favourites was when I worked in Madagascar to help set up a new coral reef research site to create an on-going data set.


What is your goal?
My goal is to share the beauty of the ocean, create conversations and show the need to protect it through photography. My degree really motivated me to discuss important topics relating to the environment; such as sustainability and conservation. Working alongside eco-conscious brands, like Aveda, is one of my favourite ways to combine my passions.


Why do you think Vegan and natural beauty is important?
Vegan beauty products have so many benefits, and there is really no need for products not to be vegan… Vegan beauty is better for you, the animals we all love, and also the planet! Aveda is vegan & cruelty free, so you can really be sure it's a great choice.


Your favourite Vegan beauty products?
I loveeeee the botanical repair range and the dry remedy moisturizing oil. After long days in the ocean it saves my hair! All of Aveda’s leave-in treatments and conditioning serums are really great for that.


How did you come into your line of work?
I have always loved the ocean. When I was young I’d always be planning the next adventure and I’d have a small point and shoot camera on hand. One year I got an underwater version, it was tiny and very basic but it made me so happy!


Since then, I went on to study Environmental Science at university and worked on marine conservation projects across the world. When travelling to these amazing places I’d always be documenting what I saw around me. With lots of hard work I decided to go for it and make passion become my full-time job.


Any tips on becoming more sustainable?
The small things really do add up. One of the biggest impacts you can have is to switch to a plant based diet, or try your best to cut back on meat, diary and seafood products. Some simple ways you can become more sustainable is to use a reusable water bottle + coffee cup, offset your travel, avoid plastic takeaway containers and support sustainable fashion brands (not fast-fashion). Also, try not to be overwhelmed with it all - doing something is better than nothing at all :)